Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Hollaa..!! I would like to tell you about my past experience! :D
Enjoy it! :)


                          Do you have experience? Of course everybody has experience. There are kinds of experience, that are sad, happy or nice experience. We can take a wisdom from that experience, because experience is the best teacher. I want to tell you about my nice experience. Enjoy it!
                          Once upon a time on November 2008 SMPN 1 Kertosono had study tour to Yogyakarta. I followed my sister although I was not the student of SMPN 1 Kertosono at that moment and I know you will think : “How can you do that?” hahahaaha
We went to Yogyakarta together with my sister’s friend and all the teachers. We went there at 11.00 pm. We went there by bus. Before we went there, we prayed first, so that God blessed and guided us at that trip. After that we left and go on to bus. I and my sister were happy , my sister’s friends were happy too. Unitil at 12.00 am we were singing in the bus. Hahahaha
                          At 01.00 am we slept. Before I slept, I didn’t forget to turn off the AC. If AC turned on all time (non stop) of course I got coldness. I would be frozen!
                          At 05.00 am, we woke up and then got up to take a leak and brushed teeth. We took a rest first before we continued the trip. While we take a rest, we who had Catholic religion waited others who prayed Subuh. We waited for  fifteen minutes then we continued our trip.
                          We arrived at place which near from Parangtritis Beach at 06.00 am. Before we went to beach, we must take a bath first. All bathroom were full. My sister and I waited for thirty minutes. After that we’ve finished taken a bath, we went to diningroom for having breakfast. While we had breakfast, we could see Parangtritis beach scenery. The sea was light blue, the sea was wave.
After that, all students and teachers went to down to Parangtritis Beach. We must pass soil stony.  Arrived at Parangtritis beach, I and my sister played together. Then I tried to play alone near sea shore. At that time, I waited wave that would pass by and reach my feet. I didn’t need much time, the wave came . I felt my body moved backwards but that was my illusion.I think you must feel that when you at the beach, that’s amazing!!
                          Time by time, the wave was bigger and bigger, then all teachers warned us to far from the beach and back to bus. Do you know, if there is Nyai Roro Kidul at Parangtritis Beach? I will tell you about her.
                          Nyai Loro Kidul is often illustrated as a mermaid with a tail as well the lower part of the body of a snake. The mythical creature is claimed to take the soul of any who she wished for.
Sometimes Nyai Loro Kidul literally can be spoken of as a "naga", a mythical snake. This idea may have been derived from some myths concerning a princess of Pajajaran who suffered from leprosy. The skin disease mentioned in most of the myths about Nyai Loro Kidul might possibly refer to the shedding of a snake's skin.
The role of Nyai Loro Kidul as a Javanese Spirit-Queen became a popular motif in traditional Javanese folklore and palace mythologies, as well as being tied in with the beauty of Sundanese and Javanese princesses. Another aspect of her mythology was her ability to change shape several times a day.
Nyai Loro Kidul in a significant amount of the folklore that surrounds her - is in control of the violent waves of the Indian Ocean from her dwelling place in the heart of the ocean. Sometimes she is referred as one of the spiritual queens or wives of the Susuhunan of Solo/Surakarta and the Sultan of Yogyakarta. Her literal positioning is considered as corresponding to the Merapi-Kraton-South Sea axis in Solo Sultanate and Yogyakarta Sultanate.
Another pervasive part of folklore surrounding her is the colour of green, gadhung m'lathi in Javanese, is referred to her, which is forbidden to wear along the south-coast of Java.
Back to story, then we continued to Borobudur temple! J
                    Arrived at Borobudur temple, we took photos together with tourists who visited Borobudur like us. I was happy because I could hold “stupa” and I requested something. Just for information, some people believe that if we can hold that (stupa) and ask something, our hope will be granted. Believe or not! In top stupa we could see mountains. After we have spent our time in Borobudur Temple we went to Keraton Yogyakarta.
                    When we arrived at Keraton Yogyakarta, of course we must buy the tickets, we entered and went around Keraton Yogyakarta. The building was very beautiful and fantastic. I was proud to be Indonesian person.
                    When went around the building, there was traditional dancing that was took place then we decided to watch this for a minute. While I saw the dancing, I also had courage to speak English with the tourists.
                    After we had long time at there and we were tired, we decided to go home, but we didn’t forget to buy souvenirs to my family at home. When we bought souvenirs, it rained.
In an hour, all people have finished to buy the souvenirs and then we gone home. In the bus we sang together.
                    I arrived at home t 03.00 am and I was tired.
                    The wisdom from this study tour as I’ve said was whole range of cultural and natural wealth of Indonesia is owned by the grace of God we should be grateful and preserve it. I’m proud to be Indonesian girl :D

I was in Borobudur Temple. Have you visited that place? Come on and visit Indonesia! :D

Sunday, May 13, 2012


    Seusai pelaksanaan Mid Semester 1, pada hari Minggu, tanggal 7 November 2010, keluarga besar SMPN 1 Kertosono melaksanakan outbound ke Sarangan, Magetan, Jawa Timur. Pelaksanaan ini untuk melatih kedisiplinan, kecerdasan siswa-siswi SMPN 1 KERTOSONO.
1.    Siswa-siswi RSBI kelas 7 dan 8
2.    Siswa-siwai regular kelas 7
3.    Pengurus OSIS
4.    Pramuka
5.    PMR
Jadi, semua peserta berjumlah 250 siswa. Tidak hanya siswa-siswi SMPN 1 Kertosono, guru-guru SMPN 1 Kertosono juga mengikuti outbound yang telah disediakan di sana, dan tentunya permainan out boundnya tidak sama dengan permainan untuk para siswa. Guru-guru yang ikut berjumlah 30 orang.
    Saya termasuk siswa 8-A juga pergi outbound. Terdapat 5 bis yang akan diberangkatakan. Setiap bis diisi oleh 2 kelas.
    Bis 1 = untuk siswa kelas 7-A dan 7-B
    Bis 2 = untuk siswa kelas 7-C dan 7-D
    Bis 3 = untuk siswa kelas 7-E dan 7-F
    Bis 4 = untuk siswa kelas 8-A dan 8-B
    Bis 5 = untuk siswa kelas 8-C dan OSIS, PRAMUKA, PMR.
Saya dan teman-teman di bis 4. Saya membawa peralatan mandi, baju, snack, uang, sandal.
    Kita semua berangkat ke Sarangan pukul 05.30. Sepanjang jalan kita semua bersuka ria karena pemandangannya yang indah.
Rute jalan menuju Kemta Training Center (KTC) mendaki da berkelok-kelok, jadi bis kita sangat pelan-pelan dan hati-hati. Perjalanan ini membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 4 jam untuk sampai di KTC yang berlokasi di Sarangan Eco Art Village.
    Pukul 09.30 kita sampai di KTC. Ketika kita turun dari bis, udara sangat dingin hingga menusuk tulang. Di tempat kita outbound, aku dan teman-teman dipersilakan minum jahe hangat,lumayan untuk menghangatkan badan. Sesudah itu kita harus cepat-cepat menuju ke lapangan.

    Sebelum upacara pembukaan dimulai, setiap kelas harus menyanyikan yel-yel mereka. Untungnya kelas 8-A sudah siap. Kami pun bernyayi riang dengan kelucuan khas kita. Pukul 10.00 upacara pembukaan dimulai + fun game (transfer support, aborigin dance,dll) dan pembagian tim dinamik. Kepala SMPN 1 Kertosono, Pak Eko Pujianto menyampaikan amanat. Beliau mengatakan walaupun dingin dengan semangat kita bisa.  Setelah upacara semua peserta dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok.

Simulasi / game terpisah:
A.    Siswa        : 250 siswa    = 5 Tim Dinamik     :@ 50 siswa
B.    Guru        : 30 guru    = 2 Tim Dinamik    : @ 15 guru
Macam-macam game :
A.    Siswa :
1.    High Rope / Flying Rope
2.    High Rope / Shaky Bridge
3.    Spider Web
4.    Keluar dari Krisis
5.    Lorong Maut

B.    Guru :
1.    Fun Game    : Sexi Rope, Crocodile River
2.    Simulasi          : Trust Ball, jeruk & apel, berhitung X
Saya di kelompok 2, dan kebetulan saya bersama teman-teman sekelasku, mereka adalah Atika Ayu, Ayu Rahmawati, Wahyu Sudrajat dan Alfian.
    Sebelum permainan dimulai peserta diberi arahan dan masing-masing kelompok diberi 20 token. Ada 5 peraturan dalam bermain yaitu:
1.    Kepemimpinan
2.    Kejujuran
3.    Kebersihan
4.    Kekompakan
5.    Toleransi
Apabila melaksanakan itu semua, akan diberi bonus token. Jadi, masing-masing grup berlomba untuk mendapatkan token sebanyak mungkin. Kelompokku mendapat bonus token karena bertoleransi.
    Semua kelompok dikumpulkan pada satu tempat, pada waktu itu dimulailah permainan pertama, yaitu “Opposite dan Fakta Sebenarnya”. Sayang sekali kelompokku gagal dan tidak mendapat juara.
    Permainan kedua untuk kelompok saya adalah Gegana, dimana permainan ini mengambil botol berisi bola ping-pong dengan tali pada titik tengah, tetapi tidak boleh menyentuh garis batas yang telah ditentukan. Setitik keringat bercucuran akhirnya kelompokku lolos dalam permainan ini. Kami pun mendapat bonus 30 token dengan 3x mengulangi permainan. Setelah itu, saya dan Rahma mendapat giliran untuk mencoba permainan Flying Fox. Pada saat di atas pohon, badanku menggigil semua, dengan hitungan mundur, aku dan Rahma pun meluncur dengan teriakan yang keras.
    Permainan ketiga adalah permainan Keluar dari Krisis, dimana permainan ini membutuhkan kekompakan. Untuk lolos dari permainan ini harus naikpunggung seseorang ke punggung yang lain dengan meloncati sebuah bambu. Apabila bambu terjath harus diulangi sampai berhasil. Pada permainan ini kami diberi 15 kesempatan. Kami telah menggunakan 11 kesempatan baru bisa berhasil, dan mendapat 20 token. Sayang sekali pada saat permainan ini salah satu dari kelompokku mengalami cedera, kami semua mendapat hukuman.
    Permainan keempat adalah Spider Web. Pada permainan ini saya mengundurkan diri karena saya sudak tidak kuat dengan udaranya yang sangat dingin disertai dengan hujan pula. Bibirku menjadi biru, tangan dan kakiku mengkerut karena terlalu lama terkena air. Aku pun memutuskan untuk segera mandi lalu segera ganti baju, badan dioles minyak kayu putih, leher dililit syal, lalu aku menghangatkan badan di dekat bara api. Setelah itu aku makan. Lauknya hanya ayam bakar dan urap-urap. Sehabis makan saya berfoto dengan teman-teman.
    Sekitar jam 15.00, semua rombongan SMPN 1 Kertosono pergi ke Telaga Sarangan. Di sana, saya, Icha dan Dila beli baju yang bentuk dan warnanya sama dan beli makanan untuk oleh-oleh. Sayangnya kami tidak berfoto di Telaga Sarangan.
    Pukul 16.00, kami kembali ke bis dan menuju Jalan Sawo. Sesampainya di sana pukul 16.30. Saya dan bapakku membeli sepatu dan sandal. Kami berbelanja sekitar 1 jam.
    Pukul 17.30 kami melanjutkan perjalanan. Sebagian dari teman-temanku bergoyang dan menyanyi. Selama di bis aku bercanda dengan teman-temanku, tak berapa lama aku terlelap di bis.
    Pukul 20.30, bis sudah tiba di Jalan Surabaya. Semua mengemasi barang-barangnya. Aku pulang dnegan naik becak. Pulang dengan selamat. Sesampainya di rumah oleh-olehku aku buka semua untuk keluargaku tercinta.


After the implementation of the Mid Semester 1, on Sunday, November 7, 2010, big family SMPN1 Kertosono implemented outbound to Sarangan, Magetan, East Java. Implementation was to train the discipline, intelligence students SMPN 1 Kertosono.
PARTICIPANTS FROM SMPN 1 Kertosono consists of:
1. RSBI students grade 7 and 8
2. Students of  regular-grade 7
3. Governing council
4. Scout
5. PMR
Thus, all participants numbered 250 students. Not only the students SMPN 1 Kertosono, the teachers SMPN 1 Kertosono  also followed out bound that has been provided there, and of course, out bound of their game is not the same game for the students. The teachers who participated were 30 people.
I was including of 8-A student also go outbound.
There were 5 buses to be dispatched. Each bus filled by 2 classes.
 Bus 1 = for students in grade 7-A and 7-B
 Bus 2 = for students in grade 7-C and 7-D
 Bus 3 = for students in grade 7-E and 7-F
 Bus 4 = for students in grade 8-A and 8-B
 Bus 5 = for students in grade 8-C and OSIS, SCOUTS, PMR.

Me and my friends on the bus 4. I brought toiletries, clothes, snacks, money, sandals.
We all went to Sarangan 05.30 a.m. Along the way we all rejoices in the beautiful scenery.
The route path to Kemta Training Center (KTC), climbing and winding, so our bus very slowly and carefully. This trip takes approximately 4 hours to reach the KTC is located in Sarangan Eco Art Village.
At 09:30 am, we arrived at the KTC. When we got out of the bus, the air was very cold to the bone puncture. In our place outbound, I and friends  served hot ginger drink, not bad for a warm body. Then we must hurry to the field.

            Before the opening ceremony began, each class must sing their slogans. Fortunately grade 8-A was ready. We also sang merrily with our unique cuteness. Opening ceremony began at 10.00 + fun games (transfer support, aboriginal dance, etc.) and dynamic team division. Headmaster of  SMPN 1 Kertosono, Mr. Eko Pujianto convey the message. He said that although the cold with the spirit we could.

After the ceremony all the participants were divided into 5 groups.
Simulation / game separately:
A. Students: 250 students        = 5 Team Dynamics:@ 50 students
B. Teachers: 30 teachers        = 2 Team Dynamics:@ 15 teachers
Various kinds of games:
A. Students:
1. High Rope / Flying Rope
2. High Rope / Shaky Bridge
3. Spider Web
4. Out of the Crisis
5. Death alley

B. Teacher:
1. Fun Game    : sexi Rope, Crocodile River
2. Simulation   : Trust Ball, oranges & apples, numeracy X

I was in group 2, and I happened along with my classmates, they were Atika Ayu, Ayu Rahmawati, Revelation Sudrajat and Alfian.
Before the game started the participants given directions and each group given 20 tokens. There  were 5 rules in game, namely:
1. Leadership
2. Honesty
3. Cleanliness
4. Compactness
5. Tolerance

When implementing it all, will be given a token bonus. Thus, each group competing to get as many tokens as possible. My group got a bonus token for tolerance.

All the groups gathered in one place, at that time began the first game, namely "Opposite and Fact ". Unfortunately my group failed and did not get a champion.

The second game for my group was Gegana, where the game was to take a bottle of ping-pong ball with a rope at the midpoint, but must not touch the boundary lines that have been determined. A drop of sweat streaming down my group finally escaped in this game. We also got a bonus of 30 tokens with 3 times repeated the game. After that, I and Rahma had a turn to try the game Flying Fox. At the top of the tree, my body shivered all, with the countdown, I and Rahma rolled with a loud scream.

The third game was a game of Out of the Crisis, in which this game required compactness. To get away from this game should go up the back of someone else's back with a leap of a bamboo. When Bamboo fell  should  repeated until successful. In this game we given 15 opportunities. We have been using 11 new chance to succeed, and got 20 tokens. Unfortunately at this game one of my group were injured, we all got punished.

The fourth game was the Spider Web. In this game I resigned because I was not strong with very cold air was accompanied by rain as well. My lips turned blue, hands and legs shrunken due to prolonged exposure to water. I also decided to immediately shower and change clothes immediately, the agency in topical eucalyptus oil, a scarf wrapped around her neck, then I warm near the fire. After that I ate. His side dishes and grilled chicken only ointment-ointment. After ate I took pictures with friends.

At about 03.00 p.m., all SMPN1 Kertosono entourage went to Telaga Sarangan. There, I, Icha and Dila bought clothes that shape and color same and bought food for souvenirs. Unfortunately we did not take pictures at Telaga Sarangan. We really regretted it. We didn’t have the photo experience in Telaga Sarangan.

At 04.00 p.m., we returned to the bus and headed Sawo Road. When I got there at 16.30. I and my father bought shoes and sandals. We shopped around 1 hour.

At 05.30 p.m., we continued the journey. Most of my friends rocked and sang. During the bus I was joking with my friends, not how long I was asleep on the bus.

At 08.30 p.m., the bus has arrived at Jalan Surabaya. All packed up his belongings. I came home with a pedicab. Home safely. When I went home, I opened my all  souvenirs for  my beloved family and me.