Monday, December 20, 2010



Good (morning/afternoon/ evening) audience, you're watching in the news in focus with me .......(your name)..........
I'll present to you about the hot news for today and the news is about ......(the topic of news)........


Okay audience that's all of the news for today. We meet again in the same time and same channel. Thank you for your attention and good bye.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Melt Methane hydrates = Doomsday??

One more bad news, global warming brings another potential catastrophe for our planet, namely the melting of methane hydrates: methane hydrates stored in the form of ice. The number is quite astounding 3,000 times the methane currently exists in the atmosphere.

Planet Earth matana store frozen in a very large number called methane hydrates or methane clathrates. Methane Hydratesbanyak found at the North Pole and South Pole, where the surface temperature of 0 degrees Celsius, or the sea floor at depths of more than 300 meters where the water temperature is 2 degrees Celsius dikisaran. Methane hydrates are also found in deep lakes like Lake Baikal in Siberia.

Methane is a greenhouse gas with KAA 23 times more damaging than carbon dioxide (CO2), which means that this gas konstributor very bad for global warming is in progress.

The bad news is global warming causes the temperature of ice at the North Pole and South Pole to be getting hotter, so the methane stored frozen in the ice at both poles are also liberated into the atmosphere. Scientists estimate that the Antarctic save approximately 400 billion tons of methane frozen. This gas is released bit by bit into the atmosphere as more and more parts of the ice in Antarctica which collapsed. You can imagine how horrible this situation: If the Antarctic ice sheet losing all his, then the 400 billion tons of methane will be released into the atmosphere! This does not include frozen methane that are stored on the seabed are also threatened because of the heat melting temperature of the oceans due to global warming.

Once triggered, this cycle will result in global warming is so severe that perhaps can be compared to the apocalypse!

Is this a fantasy invented by environmental activists and scientists paranoid? Unfortunately not. Geological evidence that strong states have at least 2 times our planet experiencing this event.

Geologists have found that this great catastrophe had occurred about 55 million years laluyang referred to by scientists as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). At that time, bursts of methane rises to the surface and warming the planet resulting in very fast. This led to mass death and disturbing state of the earth's climate up to 100,000 years later.

PETM addition, this major catastrophe it had occurred 250 million years ago, at the end of the Permian period, in which methane blast wiped out almost all life on planet earth.

More than 94% of marine species that we now encounter as a fossil experiencing sudden extinction due to the low levels of oxygen. More than 500,000 years later, a few species are left struggling to survive in such hostile environment.

Then how North with our present circumstances? With the deposit of frozen methane enormous, with the amount of perennial ice in the polar regions are melting, with the heat of the ocean temperature, and the miraculous discovery of frozen methane Diman point began to gush into the earth's surface. So we really ought to worry!

It is time we took part in the development of efforts to stop global warming continues to occur. It is proven that we humans cause or major contributor glpbal experienced warming our planet. Let's take action! Let us not repeat the murky geological history has ever experienced this planet!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Perlu diingat for all teachers and students bahwa tidak ada satu pun model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk mengajarkan segala macam hasil belajar. Setiap model unik dan hanya cocok untuk mengajarkan hasil belajar tertentu. Sebagai contoh, model pembelajaran kooperatif sangat baik untuk mengajarkan keterampilan sosial, mencegah dominasi siswa dalam kelas. Model pembelajaran langsung (direct instruction) sangat cocok untuk mengajarkan pengetahuan prosedural, seperti menggunakan alat, merangkai alat, gerakan tertentu pada seni dan olahraga. Sementara itu, pembelajaran berdasar masalah, unggul untuk mengajarkan keterampilan bernalar dan berpikir tingkat tinggi, cocok untuk pelatihan peserta olimpiade.
Cara belajar siswa juga berbeda antara satu siswa dengan siswa yang lain. Ada siswa yang belajar lewat mendengar, yang lain lewat membaca, sementara yang lain lagi baru dapat belajar bila melakukan. Karena itu, tentu sangat mustahil menggunakan satu model atau metode pembelajaran untuk semua siswa. Pembelajaran inovatif dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan pencapaian semua hasil belajar dan mengakomodasi sebanyal-banyaknya perbedaan siswa. Dengan demikian, implementasi pembelajaran inovatif selalu multimetode, multimedia, berpusat pada siswa, dilakukan secara alami, dan memberikan peluang siswa mengalami sendiri.
Dengan demikian, kualitas hasil belajar yang dicapai menjadi lebih tinggi. Begitu pula, lingkup hasil belajar menjadi lebih komprehensif. Bahkan, yang lebih penting lagi pembelajaran inovatif tidak saja menekankan pada hasil belajar kognitif, tetapi juga hasil belajar proses dan sikap. Konsekuensinya tentu akan memerlukan waktu yang lebih lama karena dilakukan untuk mencapai banyak macam hasil belajar. Bandingkan dengan metode ceramah yang hanya menekankan pada hasil belajar kognitif dan hafalan yang tentu memerlukan waktu relatif singkat dan dari segi membekali siswa untuk belajar mandiri sepanjang hayat serta membekali siswa dengan kecakapan hidup belum dilakukan. Siswa belum difasilitasi untuk menjadi siswa yang utuh.
Lebih celaka lagi bila guru menerapkan metode drill, mungkin berhasil memfasilitasi siswa untuk berhasil berkompetisi menghafal jangka pendek, tapi gagal membekali siswa hidup jangka panjang. Hasil penelitian tentang otak 25 tahun terakhir menemukan bahwa drill dapat mengakibatkan berkembangnya "otak reptil" pada siswa. Otak tersebut bertanggung jawab untuk survival, bela diri, dan berkelahi. Apa itu jawaban untuk marak tawuran antarsiswa?
Memperoleh nilai unas yang bagus memang merupakan hal yang diidamkan, namun nilai unas sebatas tataran kognitif bersifat semu. Karena itu, seharusnya evaluasi hasil belajar juga dilakukan untuk mengukur semua bentuk hasil belajar siswa. Sadar atau tidak, guru sekarang mengajar dipandu oleh evaluasi. Kalau evaluasi hanya pada tataran kognitif dan hafalan, guru akan men-drill siswa untuk mampu menghafal. Keadaan drill ini sangat kita rasakan ketika musim unas, baik untuk mata pelajaran MATEMATIKA yang seharusnya proses bernalar yang kita tonjolkan, namun hasil selalu yang memandu guru dan murid untuk melakukan proses instan karena dipandu pleh hasil yang diharapkan. proses instan tidak akan menghasilkan semua hasil belajar diatas.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Writing Memo
When a telephone call will not do the job, it's better for us to write memo. A memo is a written document that stays inside the company. This is for internal communication. Memos are written to get someone to do or understand something. The following are how to write memos.
  1. Get Personal = Use words I, you, and we and write in the active voice.
  2. Be Conversational = It means write the way you talk. For bussiness memo, it's formal bit it doesn't have to sound intimidating/
  3. Keep It Short = The limit of paragraph to five lines or less.
A business memo helps members of an organization communicate without the need for time-consuming meetings. It is an efficient and effective way to convey information with an organization. The purpose of memos are introducing new information to the readers, or persuading the readers to take an action.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

  1. Addition, examples in addition, besides, moreover, furthermore, and.
  2. Sequence, examples First, Second, Third, secondly, Finally, Next, Then, Firstly.
  3. Contrast, examples but, while, however, meanwhile, on the other hand, whereas, although, eventhough.
  4. Alternative, examples or.
  5. Result, examples so, so that, as a result.
  6. Reason, examples because, for, as, in case, since.
  7. Time, examples after, before, since, when, as, finally, while.
  8. Manner, examples as if, as though, as.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


  1. Adverbs of manner = Adverbs of manner show how the subject does the action. They are normally put after the direct object or after the main verb. Example: She asks speaks English fluently.
  2. Adverbs of Place = Adverbs of place show where the action happens. They are normally put after the direct object or the intransitive verb. Example: I study in the library.
  3. Adverbs of Time = Adverbs of time show when the action happens. They are normally put at the end of a clause or sentence. Example: We come to the class at 7.00 a.m.
  4. Adverbs Of Frequency = Adverbs of frequency show how often the action happens. They are normally put before the main verb. Example: My brother usually drinks milk.