Sunday, August 19, 2012

GREYSON CHANCE - I’m an enchancer and I’m proud

I’m an enchancer and I’m proud

What inspires me to be an enchancer?
Aku sudah menjadi Enchancer kira2 hampir 2 tahun. Awal mulanya aku tidak tahu siapa itu Greyson Chance, tidak terlalu fanatic. Karena fanatic juga bias menggoyahkan iman hehe. Dalam benak ku aku mengidolakan semua artis Hollywood, jadi perhatianku aku bagi pada mereka #apaini -.-
Awal mulanya tanggal 1 Sept 2009, aku buka akun twitterku, dulu username aku masih Love_of_MileyC tapi sekarang @thekartikalucia #maafpromosi lalu tiba-tiba pada follower ku ada username @greysonchance aku berpikir siapa dia, mungkin golongan  artis dari Hollywood karna verified jadi aku follow back balik, kasihan nanti kagak aku follback. Hehe -.- saat itu follower dia masih 200K, belum terlalu eksis. Dia artis pertama yang memfollow saya.
Pertengahan Juni 2011, dia mulai eksis banyak orang membicarakan dia , nama greyson chance di mana-mana, saya berpikir “greyson chance”? bukankah dia yang memfollow aku di twitter? Dengan cepat-cepat aku buka twitter dan ketemu, ternyata benar, “yes! Aku sudah di follow! Hehe” aku pun terus mendownload lagu WOTL.

WOTL => lagu inilah yang menjadi favoritku karena lagu ini selalu member semangat dan motivasi dalam hidupku di saat down dan putus asa, apalagi dengan aku mempunyai penyakit yang harus saya bawaseumur hidupku, tentunya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari aku takut di bully oleh mereka.
Di setiap lirik-lirik lagu ini ada hembusan makna tersendiri untukku dalam kehidupanku.
“This song inspires me to follow my dreams, which I’ve to make them all come true. It forces me to be not afraid of taking chances, choices and risks in this whole life, because my world is still running. Move forward with courageous and live my life to the fullest, stay away from them who try to bring me down.”
(lagu ini juga membuat aku berani dan tidak malu dengan apa yang aku derita. Berani untuk meraih mimpiku, mengambil semua kesempatan)
So, step out into this world with confidence, donLt be afraid everything happens to you and what tomorrow holds.
Y.O.L.O = You only live once. Life is too short to not to do what you love , so make you sure you live life to its full potential. Make your world X-traordinary. Life without taking chances isn’t life at all.

Aku merelakan menunggu sampai jam 12 malam demi mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun ke greyson chance, itu pun Cuma ditemani teman lewat sms, karena takut sudah malam sendirian pula.

Seberapa ngefans :
Saya ngefans berat sama GC. Setiap gue beli majalah tentang GC saya selalu dapat omelan dari orang tua, tapi whatever lah Xd.
Di saat UNAS 2012 kemarin gue juga nyempetin ngobrol tentang konser GC tgl 20 April 2012, untungnya pelajarannya masih nyambung ke otak ku. Hehe
Tema Mozilla firefox laptop saya aku setting dengan tema Greyson Chance, desktop laptop gambar GC, di saat-saat mau ikut olimpiade BIG pun aku menyempatkan mendengarkan lagu GC, penghilang rasa nervous.
His music keeps me sane, idk why. It gives me the words that make me smile, inspire my life and gives me passion. You’re amazing as always Greyson Chance!

By : Lusia Kartika Ratri / @TheKartikaLucia

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


This is the love
The first time when we met, we begun it from just talked, held conversation, helped each other, kept promises.
You are the mean the most in my life and taking up the most space in my heart.
Each moment we always pass together, whenever and whatever.
You hate when I'm gone and I hate when you're gone.
I can't lie that I love you.
You smile I smile, you sad I sad, you cry I will hug and kiss you.
You always colour my life with your affection as if my life is perfect.
I can't live without you. You're my sunshine, you're my everything.
My heart is yours and your heart is mine.
May I hope our love is lasting for ever.
I could remember the first time when we set eyes on each other, when I felt the first time my heart beat faster.
We're so closer until our love is bloom.
His smile makes me melt.
His eyes make me want to stare without wink.
His cheeks make me want to nip them.
You hold me, hug me, and talk to me huskily that you love me.
That's so romantic.
You got me feeling like I was a kite flied on top of the world, when you told me that I was mean for you.
This is my love, we can make it, take it and go a head, and stay believing each other. I'll never let you go.
You gave me a something that I've never had before, you're here for my life :)
I have been drowning in your love.
You're always there for me, accompany me when I collapsed, entertain me with your stupid behavior. I hope that our love will last forever,till the death do us part,
no one can separate us.
We'll never be apart now and forever.
You appeared just like a dream to me.
What's your love story? hehehe :D

Written by : Lusia Kartika.R.

(Prohibited to copy it without including the name of the author!)

Monday, August 6, 2012


                Kula tumut olimpiade IPA Nasional ingkang dipuntumuti sedoyo murid SMP RSBI sak nusantara wonten Surakarta, wedal tanggal tigo welas ngantos enem belas wulan Februari taun kalih ewu rolas. Lombanioun wonten sekawan mata pelajaran yaiku Matematika, Fisika, Biologi, kaliyan Basa Inggris. Kula tumut bidang basa Inggris.
                Wedal kaping setunggal, wonten kegiatan check in dhateng kamar hotel piyambak-piyambak lajeng istirahat. Setunggal kamar dipunpanggeni tigo murid, kula wonten kamar tigangatus seked gangsal. Pengalaman kula sepindhah inggih punika kula klentu kamar, mencet bel kamat nomer kalih atus seked, wonten kamar punika kula isin banget.
                Wedal kaping kalih, lombanipun diwiwiti. Lomba dipun milai pukul setunggal siang ngantos pukul enam sore.
Punika lomba ingkang melelahkan sanget nanging punika pengalaman ingkang menarik sanget bagi kula. Kula gadhah pendapat, rugi sanget murid ingkang mboten tumut lomba, kula inggih angsal rencang enggal.
                Cekap semanten pengalaman kula, saged damel pangiling-ngeling gesang kula

By : Lusia Kartika Ratri