- Berbicara sedikit mungkin tentang diri sendiri.
- Uruslah persoalan-persoalan pribadi.
- Hindari rasa ingin tahu.
- Janganlah mencampuri urusan orang lain.
- Terimalah pertentangan dengan kegembiraan.
- Jangan memusatkan perhatian kepada kesalahan orang lain.
- Terimalah hinaan dan caci maki.
- Terimalah perasaan tak diperhatikan, dilupakan dan dipandang rendah.
- Mengalah terhadap kehendak orang lain.
- Terimalah celaan walaupun anda tidak layak menerimanya.
- Bersikap sopan dan peka, sekalipun seorang memancing amarah anda.
- Janganlah mencoba agar dikagumi dan dicintai.
- Bersikap mengalah dalam perbedaan pendapat, walaupun anda yang benar.
- Pilihlah selalu yang tersulit.
Head of the Catholic Church in the world were called by the name Pope (from Greek Pappas, or Italian papa, close calls a child against his father) because of its superior authority and because it carried a paternal manner, following the example of Jesus Christ.
First Pope
And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:18-19)
Apostolic Succession
Holy apostles (Peter and Paul), after establishing and building the Church (Roman Catholic), handed over the chair diocese to Linus. Paul's mention of this Linus in the letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 4:21). He was replaced by Anacletus, and thereafter, at the third position of the Apostles, Clement was appointed as a bishop. He has met face to face with the holy Apostles and with them. It may be said that he still hears echoes of preaching of the Apostles, and watch their traditions with his own eyes. And not just him, because there are many others, who have been taught directly by the Apostles.
... After Clement, Evaristus replace, and replace Alexander Evaristus. Then, the sixth after the Apostles, Sixtusdiangkat, setelahnyaTelesphorus, who also became a martyr to the noble. Then Hyginus, and later, Pius, and after Anicetus. Soter replace Anicetus, and now, in second place after-twelve Apostles, the bishop fell kepadaEleutherus position. In this order, and through the teachings of the Apostles who continued in the Church, preaching the truth has come down to us. (Saint Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons, France. Born in 140 - died in 202. One of Church Fathers.)
History of the Church Fathers
1. St. Peter's (33-64 or 33-67)
2. St. Linus from Tuscany (67-76)
3. Saint Anacletus (or Cletus) of Rome (76-88)
4. St. Clement I of Rome (88-97)
5. Saint Evaristus from Greece (97-105)
6. St. Alexander I of Rome (105-115)
7. St. Sixtus I of Rome (115-125)
8. Saint Telesphorus of Greece (125-136)
9. Saint Hyginius from Athens, Greece (136-140)
10. St. Pius I of Aquileia (140-155)
11. Saint Anicetus dari Emesa, Syria (155-166)
12. St. Soter dari Campagna, Italy (166-175)
13. Saint Eleutheriusdari Nicopolis in Epirus, Greece (175-189)
14. Saint Victor I from Africa (189-199)
15. Saint Zephyrinusdari Rome (199-217)
16. Saint Callixtus I of Rome (217-222)
17. Saint Urban I of Rome (222-230)
18. Saint Pontian of Rome (230-235)
19. Saint Anterus of Greece (235-236)
20. Saint Fabian of Rome (236-250)
21. Saint Cornelius of Rome (251-253)
22. Saint Lucius I of Rome (253-254)
23. Saint Stephen I of Rome (254-257)
24. Saint Sixtus II of Athens, Greece (257-258)
25. St. Dionysius, of unknown origin (259-268)
26. Saint Felix I of Rome (269-274)
27. Saint Eutychian dari Luni (275-283)
28. St. Caius dari Dalmatia (283-296)
29. Saint Marcellinus of Rome (296-304)
30. Saint Marcellus I of Rome (308-309)
31. Saint Eusebius of Calabria, Greece (309-310)
32. St. Miltiades Melchiades or from Africa (311-314)
33. St. Sylvester I of Rome (314-335)
34. St Mark's from Rome (336)
35. St. Julius I of Rome (337-352)
36. Liberiusdari Rome (352-366)
37. Saint Damasus I of Spain (366-384)
38. Saint Siricius from Rome (384-399)
39. Saint Anastasius I of Rome (399-401)
40. Saint Innocent I of Albano (401-417)
41. Saint Zozimus dari Mesuras, Greece (417-418)
42. St. Boniface I of Rome (418-422)
43. Saint Celestinus I of Campania (422-432)
44. St. Sixtus III from Rome (432-440)
45. Saint Leo I (the Great) from Tuscany (440-461)
46. St. Hilary of Sardinia (461-468)
47. Saint Simplicius dari Tivoli (468-483)
48. Saint Felix III (II) from Rome (483-492)
49. Saint Gelasius I of Africa (492-496)
50. IIdari Rome Anastasius (496-498)
51. Saint Symmachus from Sardinia (498-514)
52. Saint Hormisdas dari Frosinone (514-523)
53. St. John I of Tuscany (523-526) Martyr
54. Saint Felix IV (III) from Samnium (526-530)
55. Boniface II of Rome (530-532)
56. John II (Mercury) from Rome (533-535)
57. Saint Agapitus I of Rome (535-536)
58. Saint Silverius I of Campania (536-537)
59. Vigiliusdari Rome (537-555)
60. Pelagius I of Rome (556-561)
61. John III of Rome (561-574)
62. Benedictus Idari Rome (575-579)
63. Pelagius IIdari Rome (579-590)
64. Saint Gregory I (the Great) of Rome (590-604)
65. Sabiniandari Blera in Tuscany (604-606)
66. Boniface Roman IIIdari (607)
67. Abruzzi IVdari Saint Boniface (608-615)
68. Saint Deusdedit (Adeodatus I) from Rome (615-618)
69. Naples Vdari Boniface (619-625)
70. Honorius I of Campania (625-638)
71. Severinus of Rome (640)
72. John IV of Dalmatia (640-642)
73. Theodore I of Greece from Leventine colony in Rome (642-649)
74. Saint Martin I of Todi (649-655)
75. St. Eugene I of Rome (654-657)
76. Saint Vitalian dari Segni (657-672)
77. Adeodatus II of Rome (672-676)
78. Donusdari Rome (676-678)
79. Saint Agatho from Greek from Sicily (678-681)
80. Saint Leo II of Sicily (682-683)
81. Saint Benedict II of Rome (684-685)
82. John V of Antioch, Syria (685-686)
83. Conon of Greece from Thracian (?) (686-687)
84. Saint Sergius I Syrians from Palermo (687-701)
85. John VI of Greece (701-705)
86. John VIIorang Greece from Calabria (705-707)
87. Sisinnius Greeks from Syria (708)
88. Constantine the Syrian (708-715)
89. Saint Gregory II of Rome (715-731)
90. St. Gregory III of Syria (731-741)
91. Saint Zacharius Greeks of Calabria (741-752)
92. Stephen II (III) from Rome (752-757)
93. Saint Paul I of Rome (757-767)
94. Stephen III (IV) from Sicily (768-772)
95. Adrian I of Rome (772-795)
96. Saint Leo III of Rome (795-816)
97. Stephen IV of Rome (816-817)
98. Saint Paschal I of Rome (817-824)
99. Eugene II of Rome (824-827)
100. Valentinus of Rome (827)
101. Gregory IV of Rome (827-844)
102. Sergius II of Rome (844-847)
103. Saint Leo IV from Rome (847-855)
104. Benedictus III of Rome (855-858)
105. St. Nicholas I (the Great) of Rome (858-867)
106. Adrianus II of Rome (867-872)
107. John VIII of Rome (872-882)
108. Marinus I of Gallese (882-884)
109. St. Adrian III of Rome (884-885)
110. Stephen V (VI) from Rome (885-891)
111. Formosus Bishop of Porto (891-896)
112. Boniface VI of Rome (896)
113. Stephen VI (VII) from Rome (896-897)
114. Romanus dari Gallese (897)
115. Theodore II of Rome (897)
116. John IX of Tivoli (898-900)
117. Benedict IV from Rome (900-903)
118. Leo V of Ardea (903)
119. Sergius III of Rome (904-911)
120. Anastasius III of Rome (911-913)
121. Landus of Sabina (913-914)
122. John X from Tossignano (Imola) (914-928)
123. Leo VI of Rome (928)
124. Stephen VII (VIII) from Rome (928-931)
125. John XI from Rome (931-935)
126. Leo VII from Rome (936-939)
127. Stephen VIII (IX) from Rome (939-942)
128. Marinus II of Rome (942-946)
129. Agapitus II of Rome (946-955)
130. John XII (Octavius) from Tusculum (955-964)
131. Leo VIII of Rome (963-965)
132. Benedict V of Rome (964-966)
133. John XIII of Rome (965-972)
134. Benedictus VI of Rome (973-974)
135. Benedict VII from Rome (974-983)
136. John XIV (Peter Campenora) of Pavia (983-984)
137. John XV of Rome (983-996)
138. Gregory V (Bruno of Carinthia) from Saxony (996-999)
139. Sylvester II (Gerbert) from Auvergne (999-1003)
140. John XVII (Siccone) from Rome (1003)
141. John XVIII (Phasianus) from Roma1004-1009
142. Sergius IV (Peter) from Rome (1009-1012)
143. Benedict VIII (Theophylactus) from Tusculum (1012-1024)
144. John XIX (Romanus) from Tusculum (1024-1032)
145. Benedict IX (Theophylactus) from Tusculum (1032-1044)
146. Sylvester III (John) of Rome (1045)
147. Benedict IX (second time) (Theophylactus) from Tusculum (1045)
148. Gregory VI (John Gratianus) of Rome (1045-1046)
149. Clement II (Suitger, Lord Morsleben & Hornburg) of Saxony (1046-1047)
150. Benedict IX (third time) (Theophylactus) from Tusculum (1047-1048)
151. Damasus II (Poppo) from Bavaria, Germany (1048)
152. Saint Leo IX (Bruno) from Alsace (1049-1054)
153. Victor II (Gebhard) of Swabia (1055-1057)
154. Stephen IX (X) (Frederick) of Lorraine (1057-1058)
155. Nicholas II (Gerard) of Burgundy (1059-1061)
156. Alexander II (Anselmo da Baggio) of Milan (1061-1073)
157. Saint Gregory VII (Hildebrand) of Tuscany (1073-1085)
158. Blessed Victor III (Dauferius or Desiderius) of Benevento (1086-1087)
159. Blessed Urban II (Otto diLagery) of France (1088-1099)
160. Paschal II (Raniero) of Ravenna (1099-1118)
161. Gelasius II (Giovanni Caetani) from Gaeta (1118-1119)
162. Callistus II (Guido dari Burgundy) from Burgundy, France (1119-1124)
163. Honorius II (Lamberto) from Fiagnano (Imola) (1124-1130)
164. Innocent II (Gregorio Papareschi) of Rome (1130-1143)
165. Celestinus II (Guido) of the Citta in Castello (1143-1144)
166. Lucius II (Gerardo Caccianemici) of Bologna (1144-1145)
167. Blessed Eugene III (Bernardo Paganelli of Montemagno) from Pisa (1145-1153)
168. Anastasius IV (Corrado) from Rome (1153-1154)
169. Adrian IV (Nicholas Breakspear) of England (1154-1159)
170. Alexander III (Rolando Bandinelli) of Siena (1159-1181)
171. Lucius III (Ubaldo Allucingoli) of Lucca (1181-1185)
172. Urban III (Uberto Crivelli) of Milan (1185-1187)
173. Gregory VIII (Alberto de Morra) from Benevento (1187)
174. Clement III (Paulo Scolari) of Rome (1198-1191)
175. Celestinus III (Giacinto Bobone) of Rome (1191-1198)
176. Innocent III (Lotario dei Conti in Segni) from Anagni (1198-1216)
177. Honorius III (Cencio Savelli) of Rome (1216-1227)
178. Gregory IX (Ugolino, Count of Segni) from Anagni (1227-1241)
179. Celestinus IV (Goffredo Castiglioni) from Milan (1241)
180. Innocent IV (Sinibaldo Fieschi) of Genoa (1243-1254)
181. Alexander IV (Rinaldo) from Ienne (Rome) (1254-1261)
182. Urban IV (Jacques pantaloons) of Troyes, France (1261-1264)
183. Clement IV (Guy Foulques or Guido le Gros) of France (1265-1268)
184. Blessed Gregory X (Teobaldo Visconti) from Piacenza (1271-1276)
185. Blessed Innocent V (Peter of Tarentaise) of Savoy (1276)
186. Adrian V (Ottobono Fieschi) from Genoa (1276)
187. John XXI (Petrus Juliani or Peter Hispanus) of Portugal (1276-1277)
188. Nicholas III (Giovanni Gaetano Orsini) of Rome (1277-1280)
189. Martin IV (Simon de Brie) of France (1281-1285)
190. Honorius IV (Giacomo Savelli) of Rome (1285-1287)
191. Nicholas IV (Girolamo Masci) from Ascoli (1288-1292)
192. Saint Celestinus V (Pietro del Murrone) from Isernia (1294)
193. Boniface VIII (Benedetto Caetani) from Anagni (1294-1303)
194. Blessed Benedict XI (Niccolo Boccasini) from Treviso (1303-1304)
195. Clement V (Bertrand de Got) of France (1305-1314)
196. John XXII (Jacques d'Euse) from Cahors, France (1316-1334)
197. Benedict XII (Jacques Fournier) of France (1334-1342)
198. Clement VI (Pierre Roger) of France (1342-1352)
199. Innocent VI (Etienne Aubert) of France (1352-1362)
200. Blessed Urban V (Guillaume de Grimoard) of France (1362-1370)
201. Gregory XI (Pierre Roger de Beaufort) from France (1370-1378)
202. Urban VI (Bartolomeo Prignano) of Naples (1378-1389)
203. Boniface IX (Pietro Tomacelli) of Naples (1389-1404)
204. Innocent VII (Cosma Migliorati) from Sulmona (1404-1406)
205. Gregory XII (Angelo Correr) of Venice (1406-1415)
206. Martin V (Oddone Colonna) of Rome (1417-1431)
207. Eugene IV (Gabriele Condulmer) of Venice (1431-1447)
208. Nicholas V (Tommaso Parentucelli) from Sarzana (1447-1455)
209. Callistus III (Alfonso Borgia) from Jativa (Valencia) (1455-1458)
210. Pius II (Enea Silvio Piccolomini) of Siena (1458-1464)
211. Paul II (Pietro Barbo) of Venice (1464-1471)
212. Sixtus IV (Francesco della Rovere) from Savona (1471-1484)
213. Innocent VIII (Giovanni Battista Cibo) of Genoa (1484-1492)
214. Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) from Jativa (Valencia) (1492-1503)
215. Pius III (Francesco Todeschini-Piccolomini) from Siena (1503)
216. Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere) from Savona (1503-1513)
217. Leo X (Giovanni de'Medici) from Florence (1513-1521)
218. Adrian VI (Adrian Florensz) from Utrecht, Germany (1522-1523)
219. Clement VII (Giulio de'Medici) from Florence (1523-1534)
220. Paul III (Alessandro Farnese) of Rome (1534-1549)
221. Julius III (Giovanni Maria Ciocchi) of Rome (1550-1555)
222. Marcellus II (Marcello Cervini) of Montepulciano (1555)
223. Paul IV (Gian Pietro Carafa) of Naples (1555-1559)
224. Pius IV (Giovan Angelo de'Medici) of Milan (1559-1565)
225. St. Pius V (Antonio-Michele Ghislieri) from Bosco (Alexandria) (1566-1572)
226. Gregory XIII (Ugo Buoncompagni) of Bologna (1572-1585)
227. Sixtus V (Felice Peretti) from Grottamare (Ripatransone) (1585-1590)
228. Urban VII (Giambattista Castagna) from Rome (1590)
229. Gregory XIV (Niccolo Sfondrati) from Cremona (1590-1591)
230. Innocent IX (Giovanni Antonio Facchinetti) from Bologna (1591)
231. Clement VIII (Ippolito Aldobrandini) from Florence (1592-1605)
232. Leo IX (Alessandro de'Medici) of Florence (1605)
233. Paul V (Camillo Borghese) from Rome (1605-1621)
234. Gregory XV (Ludovisi Alessandor) of Bologna (1621-1623)
235. Urban VIII (Maffeo Barberini) from Florence (1623-1644)
236. Innocent X (Giovanni Battista Pamfili) of Rome (1644-1655)
237. Alexander VII (Fabio Chigi) of Siena (1655-1667)
238. Clement IX (Giulio Rospigliosi) from Pistoia (1667-1669)
239. Clement X (Emilio Altieri) of Rome (1670-1676)
240. Blessed Innocent XI (Benedetto Odescalchi) from Como (1676-1689)
241. Alexander VIII (Pietro Ottoboni) of Venice (1689-1691)
242. Innocent XII (Antonio Pignatelli) from Spinazzola (Venosa) (1691-1700)
243. Clement XI (Giovanni Francesco Albani) from Urbino (1700-1721)
244. Innocent XIII (Michelangelo dei Conti) from Rome (1721-1724)
245. Benedict XIII (Pietro Francesco Orsini, Vincenzo Maria-) from Gravina (Bari) (1724-1730)
246. Clement XII (Lorenzo Corsini) from Florence (1730-1740)
247. Benedictus XIV (Prospero Lambertini) of Bologna (1740-1758)
248. Clement XIII (Carlo Rezzonico) of Venice (1758-1769)
249. Clement XIV (Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio-Lorenzo-Ganganelli) from Rimini (1769-1774)
250. Pius VI (Giovanni Angelo Braschi) from Cesena (1775-1799)
251. Pius VII (Barnabas-Gregorio-Chiaramonti) from Cesena (1800-1823)
252. Leo XII (Annibale della Genga) from Genga (Fabriano) (1823-1829)
253. Pius VIII (Fracesco Saverio Castiglioni) from Cingoli (1829-1830)
254. Gregory XVI (Bartolomeo Alberto-Mauro-Cappelari) of Belluno (1831-1846)
255. Pius IX (Giovanni M. Mastai-Ferretti) from Senigallia (1846-1878)
256. Leo XIII (Gioacchino Pecci) from Carpineto (Anagni) (1878-1903)
257. Saint Pius X (Giuseppe Sarto) from Riese (Treviso) (1903-1914)
258. Benedictus XV (Giacomo della Chiesa) from Genoa, Italy (1914-1922)
259. Pius XI (Achille Ratti) from Desio, Milan, Italy (1922-1939)
260. Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli) from Rome (1939-1958)
261. John XXIII (Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli) from Sotto il Monte (Bergamo) (1958-1963)
262. Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) from Concescio (Brescia) (1963-1978)
263. John Paul I (Albino Luciani) from forno in Canale (Belluno) (1978)
264. John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla), Wadowice, Poland (1978-2005)
265. Benedict XVI (Ratzinger Y.) Bavaria, Germany (2005-present
The secret is revealed to the saint, a lover of God, St.Maria Magdalene, Claris Frances who lived, died and was held sacred in Rome
Jesus fulfilled the desire of this nun, who hopes truly to understand something about the SECRET TORTURE experienced by Jesus, on the eve of Jesus on trial and sentenced to death.
The Jews considered Me as the most wretched man, who lived on this earth, and therefore:
The secret is revealed to the saint, a lover of God, St.Maria Magdalene, Claris Frances who lived, died and was held sacred in Rome
Jesus fulfilled the desire of this nun, who hopes truly to understand something about the SECRET TORTURE experienced by Jesus, on the eve of Jesus on trial and sentenced to death.
The Jews considered Me as the most wretched man, who lived on this earth, and therefore:
1. They then bind my feet and drag me over the stones of the stairs, down to to a dirty and disgusting room in the basement.
2. They took off my clothes and then flogged with a whip of my body that has a metal cover.
3. They wrapped the rope around my body and pulled me along the field, from end to end.
4. They hung me on a piece of wood and the easy life moved at the node is open, so I fell. With such a punishment is, I cry with tears of blood.
5. They tied me to a stake, then stabbed me with a wooden fork.
6. They hit me with stones, and roast me with burning coals and the torch.
7. They stabbed me with a big needle, a pointed tip resembling spears tore My skin, flesh and my veins sticking out of my body
8. They tied me to a stake and had stood barefoot on a piece of red-hot iron.
9. They crowned Me with an iron crown, covering her face with my filthy dirty cloth
10. They put ME on a chair mounted sharp nails, causing deep wounds on my body.
11. They watered my wounds with lead and dammar (resin) liquid, then they were bullying me at the spiked chair-nail, so that the nails are pierced sink into deeper and deeper into my body.
12. To be embarrassed and more miserable, they stuck the needles in the holes that have been plucked beard pore. Then my arm strapped to my back and they led me out of jail, accompanied by a slap-slaps and beatings.
13. They pushed me on a cross and tied me so fast, so that I almost could not breathe at all.
14. They pushed my head hard, so I fell back to the ground, then they stepped on my chest hurts me. Then they took off my crown of thorns and stuck to my tongue.
15. They poured in my mouth dirt very foul and disgusting, because they run out of ways to torture a sadistic cruel to Me
Then Jesus said:
My son! I am willing that you convey to anyone, TWELVE FIVE TORTURE IS SECRET, so that each of them glorified. Anyone who every day present to me, with affection, one of my misery, and say with real-sunguh this prayer, will be bestowed eternal glory for him, on the Day of Judgement.
YES JESUS, THE SON OF GOD THE ALMIGHTY, we vow solemnly to glorify thy name, in the fifteenth secret torture, for the holy chambers of thy blood was shed for us. We venerate, revere and adore you, my eternal love, JESUS CHRIST, for the sake of the holy chambers of thy heart, thy blood is pure Almighty, Thy sublime sacrifice, for us the human race; also we glorify Blessed Sacrament of the Altar-Mu , LADY OF THE HOLY VIRGIN MARY, Nine Choirs Angels precious and holy Blood of the Sacred. As the number of sand in the oceans and wheat fields, the number of grass in the fields and fruit in the garden; the number of leaves on the trees and flowers in the garden; the number of stars in the sky, the angels in heaven and the many creatures on earth, all of us, Your servants, praise, revere and adore Thee; now always and throughout all time. AMEN.
(Devotion endorsed Pope Clement II, 1730-1740)
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